Public Voices is a unique journal that focuses on historical, artistic, and reflective expression concerning public administrators and the public service. Unlike traditional social science journals, Public Voices publishes unorthodox, controversial perspectives on bureaucracy in particular and the public sector in general. The material is not limited to analytical articles but also includes original fiction, poetry, photographs, art, critiques of existing works, and insights based on experience, observation and research. Among the journal’s contributors are public servants, writers, artists, and academics in all fields. Public Voices is cosponsored by the Section on Historical, Artistic and Reflective Expression (SHARE) of ASPA and is published by the National Center for Public Performance (NCPP) at the Institute for Public Service at Suffolk University - Boston.
Marc Holzer, Ph.D.
Editor in Chief
Iryna Illiash, Ph.D.
Managing Editor
CCC Creative Center
Charles Abel, Stephen F. Austin State University
George Connor, Missouri State University
Linda F. Dennard, Auburn University at Montgomery
David John Farmer, Virginia Commonwealth University
Terence M. Garrett, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Charles Goodsell, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
William Hatcher, Augusta University
Candace Hetzner, Boston College
Fuminori Kawakubo, Chuo Gakuin University, Japan
Carol W. Lewis, University of Connecticut
Jeannine M. Love, Roosevelt University
Robert A. Maranto, University of Arkansas
Marcus D. Mauldin, the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Bruce D. McDonald III, North Carolina State University
Brent R. Never, University of Missouri - Kansas City
Susan Paddock, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Alex Pattakos, The Global Meaning Institute-Canada, Greece, United States
Valerie L. Patterson, Florida International University
Paul Pope, Montana State University Billings
Beryl Radin, Georgetown University
Wilbur Rich, Wellesley College
Mark Rutgers, Leiden University
Richard W. Ryan, San Diego State University
Dolph Santello, University of New Haven
Shawn Erik Schooley, St. Cloud State University
Christopher J. Schultz, Thomas Edison State University
Arthur J. Sementelli, Florida Atlantic University
Brett S. Sharp, University of Central Oklahoma
Elizabeth Sharpe Overman, University of Central Oklahoma
Lynette Shaw-Smith, Arizona State University
Derek Slagle, University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Lois Warner, Rutgers University - Campus at Newark
Staci M. Zavattaro, University of Central Florida
We are seeking new members to join our editorial board as reviewers. Click here to learn more
Public Voices is cosponsored by the Section on Historical, Artistic and Reflective Expression (SHARE) of the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA). Click here to join ASPA or SHARE or to learn more.
Public Voices is published at the Institute for Public Service at Suffolk University.
If you are interested in submitting your work to this journal, we recommend beginning by reviewing previous issues in our Archives. The Editorial Process and Submission Guidelines pages outline the steps of the manuscript submission process. Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting a manuscript.
Complete archives of Public Voices are available online.
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ISSN: 1072-5660
60 Foster Street
Cambridge, MA 02138